Inspiration Guide Advertising Agreement

General Conditions
Cancellations or changes in orders are not accepted after closing date, and none may be considered executed unless acknowledged in writing by the publisher.
Copy & Contract Regulations
The publisher reserves the right to accept, reject or cancel all advertising copy or orders for any reason at any time, and final decisions on all orders will be made at the office of Visit Vacaville, Vacaville, California. The advertisers and advertising agency jointly and severally agree to indemnify and hold publisher harmless against any damages or expenses of any nature incurred by publisher arising out of publication of material appearing in advertisements submitted by them for publication including, but not limited to, publisher’s defense against any suit or proceeding arising from a claim that publication of material appearing in advertisements submitted to it for publication was in violation of rights of others or law imposed by the United States or by any state or subdivision thereof. Publisher shall have no liability to an advertiser or advertising agency because of a failure to complete accepted advertising orders because of acts of God, strikes, work stoppages, fires, accidents, postal delays, or any other circumstances of whatever nature beyond its control.
Under no circumstances shall publisher’s direct or indirect liability to an advertising agency or advertiser exceed the invoiced cost of the advertisement. Publisher shall have the right to require payment for advertising upon such terms as publisher sees fit prior to publication of any ordered advertisement. Publisher reserves the right to cancel the contract at any time upon default in the payment of bills. In the event of such cancellation, charges for all advertising published shall become immediately due and payable. Furthermore, if there has been any default in the payment of a prior bill, or if, in the sole judgement of publisher, credit becomes impaired, publisher shall have the right to require payment for further advertising under this contract upon such terms as publisher sees fit. Agency and advertiser are jointly and severally liable for payment to publisher.
Net 10 days. Payment is due prior to publication. If payment is not received prior to publication date, advertising will not be included in the publication. Agency and advertiser will be held jointly and severally liable to publisher.
In the event of non-payment, Agency and Advertiser shall also be liable for all collection expenses (including attorney’s fees). If Visit Vacaville refers Agency/Advertiser invoice(s) to a collection agency or attorney, any discounts, including agency commission, shall not apply and shall be deemed revoked Agency will be billed unless otherwise specified. The terms and conditions of the magazine’s current rate card are incorporated herein by reference to the extent they do not conflict with these terms. These terms may not be altered in any way without the written consent of Visit Vacaville.